Benny B
By Muscle Labs USA
Product used: Dianabol and Anadrol Hey fellow athletes, my name is Benny and I wanted to voucher for the muscle labs brand. I am in my senior year at Eastlake and I needed to make some improvement in muscle mass and bulk for football over the summer and I was turned onto Muscle Labs by some random google seaching. The Dianabol-Anadrol Stack was all I needed to add on about 12 lbs of rock hard mass which is alot considering I am a shorter guy LOL. I was in week 3 of an 8 week cycle with this legal anabolic product. The first 2 weeks I did not think that it was working, however on day 15 I increased dosage to 3 Dianabol per day and 2 Anadrol per day and POW….I was JACKED!!! . I noticed substantial gains quickly on my 3rd week in. I was always a hard gainer so I was beginnng to get discouraged so I am very glad I seen this thru. My lifts have gone up substantially and my muscle seems to be more dense but I am still pretty ripped. I have actually gained 11 pounds while maintaining a very strict diet to cut up and lean so I can stay fast on the field. (I know this is a muscle growth/weight gainer supplement,but I wanted to add all lean hard muscle mass only). I have to say, I am very impressed with this product. It is not methylated so better on liver. It has less than a 1% conversion rate as I understand from other guys on the bodybuilding supplement forums have said. Have not noticed any breast tenderness, loss of libido, etc. Testicles may have shrunk just a little but they were huge anyway (LOL) so they are on a “cutting phase” too! Just joking….THERE WAS NO SHRINKAGE. Anyway a good product. I am running good Deccabolan as a Cycle Assist but no real PCT is required at all.. Also, no drinking alcohol while on this product. Keep your liver clean and healthy when on these legal anabolics. Don’t bother with weight gainer powders or creatine….why waste the money and see little or no results, for under $100 I seen crazy muscle effects in 3 weeks ! If you are serious about diet, lifting and sticking to it… can;t go wrong here. It is a stronger product and should also only be used by bodybuilders/athletes with at least a few years lifting experience and at least 21 years old. I have friends that do the real gear and report that some of the legal steroids they have done have been stronger than 500mg/week of Testosterone Enanthate (injected) and harder on the liver……..consider that this anabolic stack is not only more effective BUT SAFER !!! Do your research before using these products. and ebay are very good sources for knowledge on these supplements because you can read their reviews from other consumers. Good luck brothers !!! You’ll find me one day in the NFL !!! (Thats my goal) – Benny B.