

By Muscle Labs USA

So finally after doing my cycle of Drol legal steroid cycle, here is my personal view. I first of all decided to jump into taking a legal steroid due to the fact that I was hitting a plateau for about 5 months on any gains. I tried changing up workout techniques, eating habits, and nothing seem to help much. After doing almost 6 months of research and thinking about if it was worth it to do a cycle, I decided it was time. I intended to Originally do a standard 50/75/75/75/75/75 cycle, but right after the 4th week, I felt that I needed to up the dose because it was somewhat mild. I started by preloading Hawthorn Berry and Milk Thistle. For on Cycle Support supplements, I had Anti-Oxidents, Aminos, Fish- Flax oil, Cycle Support, Casein Protein, Hydrowhey protein, multi-vitamins. 1st Week – I didn’t notice anything in the first week, taking my first pill in the morning and the other dose 12 hours later. I had a mental placebo effect that I was taking a legal steroid anabolic and thus I was pushing harder in the gym. I had no side effects at this point either. Only thing I did note was amazing muscle pumps !! Incredible. 2nd Week – This is where the pumps started. I starting supplementing 4 grams of Taurine a day which helped considerably. My workouts tended to get a little better, and by the end of week 2 I had gained 3 lbs. No other side effects noticed at that time. My dosage was one pill upon waking, one pill before my afternoon workout, and one pill before bed. The Drol did not affect my sleep. *Key part during this week was that I was taking Calcium along with Fish Oil pills together in one gulp, being that I read calcium helped with back pumps, but after the first couple days of week 2, I seperated the calcium from the combo and I noticed a difference. So take note that calcium effects the absorption rate of Drol in my opinion. 3rd Week – This is where I started to get the feeling I was on something. Halfway through the week, I took winsdrol (stanozall) before a few workouts and took my B.P. levels before, during, and after my gym session and noticed no significant increase that would be considered harmful. I did this 6 different times by the way. This is where I assumed that I would be fine taking a PWO since I have no family history of B.P. issues, don’t smoke, and don’t drink. I also started taking Creatine Monohydrate and it drastically helped my back pumps. I HIGHLY recommend taking creatine during cycle for this reason. 4th Week – The ‘on’ feeling was getting better, and I was having much better workouts since I was taking winsdrol (stanozall) by Muscle Labs to get energy. At this point I gained 6 lbs since beginning the cycle. This is where my joints were so dry, that I was damaging them. It was unbelievable. I tripled my dose of Fish Oils to help alleviate that issue. 5th week – Now this is where I decided to up my dosage. I only had two bottles, so I upped it to 3 pills a day until I ran out (approx 10 days at this dosage). This is where I absolutely had the best workouts. In this week maxes 30lbs more then where I was when I started the legal steroid cycle. My joints started to get a lot better with the supplements I bought. The first signs of acne showed on my arms. I was waking up with hardcore woody’s, and my sex drive was highly increased. My last day of the cycle was by far the best. I had an amazing full body workout, had great pumps, and just felt great. It felt crappy that it was going to end right when it was just getting so good. PCT : Rather than take a post cycle, I simply tapered my dose back down to 1 pill a day over a course of 10 days before stopping completely. It has been 1 week into my clean phase and my strength is all still there, at the end I gained 30lbs on my bench which was unbelievable for me. But this is where my acne went out of control, and it finally caught up with me, but it went away within 1 week. Overall : The sides were minimal. As far as I am concerned, the acne may have just been due to my increased sweating from the awesome workout intensity I had while on this stuff. It is always said that Drol is just so mild, and I don’t think that’s the case. The pumps where massive. My arms look like a million bucks !! But all in all, I got the gains I wanted, and it helped me through my plateau greatly. Another reason perhaps I got such great gains was that I worked out 6 days a week, compared to before I started my cycle, I was doing around 4-5 days a week. My recovery was also pretty good, besides the joints at least, which may have been due to my diet….I really wanted to run all the damn water out of me !! This is why I gave it a 10 ! It was super amazing. I developed zero signs of gyno throughout cycle including into the taper period. I bought each bottle for $55 for 100 pills. Pros: •Builds Muscle and sheds water and fat •Good Strength Gains and muscle pumps Thanks for reading. Try the Anadroll, you will love it GUARANTEED !! Todd T.